Questions? We have answers!
Your child is in for an incredible experience in the great outdoors, and we've gathered all the answers to your questions in our FAQ.
How do I register my child?
For the complete process, please visit our dedicated page
Can I get a 24 statement or the form for advance payments?
Yes, if your child is preschool age, you can benefit from advance payments. In addition, we provide 24-hour statements.
Can I get the child care tax credit if I enroll my child in the Bois Tribe? What is the rate reimbursed by the government?
The Child Care Expense Tax Credit is financial assistance offered by the Quebec government to help families cover the costs of child care. The amount reimbursed depends on family income and the number of dependent children.
The reimbursed rate varies according to your net family income. For the year 2024, here is an overview of the rates applied:
For a net family income of less than $34,204, the reimbursement rate can reach up to 75% of childcare costs.
This rate gradually decreases as income increases.
Families can also request advance payments of the credit, which allows them to receive a portion of the amount at the beginning of the year, in order to better manage child care costs throughout the year.
To view the complete scales of rates for the child care expense tax credit for 2024, as well as information on advance payments, you can consult the Revenu Québec website directly here .
Do you ever close because of the temperature?
We welcome every surprise that Mother Nature throws at us, and believe it or not, kids even love the rain! However, when there are safety risks, such as thunderstorms or high winds, we prefer to play it safe. In this case, we will inform you by phone that the camp is temporarily closed. Depending on the program, we may either postpone the day or issue a refund.
How to dress our children to suit all temperatures?
See this very complete document ---> Here!
Thanks to the coyote programs for permission to use their guide!
How to conserve body heat?
Being proactive is key to staying warm! Keep the 4 B's in mind and if you're cold, get checked!
Move: Move, play, collect wood, do some physical activity!
Eat: Eat! Food is fuel that will provide heat to your body!
Drink: Good hydration is essential for good thermoregulation. Drink often and ideally, something warm!
Needs: Going to the bathroom often will help your body avoid wasting energy warming up your unnecessarily full bladder!
How do you manage ticks?
During tick season, we do a tick check at the end of the day on children. We encourage children to adopt this routine of checking after each outing in the woods. We also discuss the risks associated with outings in the woods so that children are well informed and can enjoy nature safely. We ask parents to do a similar check at home each evening. If we find a tick, we gently remove it with tweezers and warn parents to watch for any redness where the tick was attached.
To learn more, here are some helpful resources:
My child is younger, is it possible to accompany him/her for the first few days?
It is important to us that each child experiences a smooth integration, in line with their own pace. This is why we allow parents to accompany their child the first few times, we take the time to establish with the parent, a "game plan" for the child's integration that will respect the pace of the group and the child.
What safety rules do you apply when using knives?
Children always start by learning how to use a peeler, in order to become familiar with the safe use of a knife. When we see that they are following the instructions, we allow them to use a knife, either ones we provide or their own. We recommend a fixed blade knife made of stainless steel, which is safer than those with a retractable blade.
Safety rules:
Always be supervised by a mentor (1 for 3).
Be seated, stable and focused.
Make sure no one is in your “safety bubble” (the space around you).
Never carve with the blade pointing towards you.
Always put your knife back in its case after use.